Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy 9 Months Parker Ann

Well Parker is 9 months old and growing bigger everyday.  She is chatting up a storm and crawling everywhere.  We went in for her 9 month check up today...

Weight - 19 pounds 9 ounces
Length- 29 inches long.

She still doesn't have any teeth but I'm not complaining.  She has been eating puffs ( in all flavors) she also likes the wagon wheels but I could do without those because they are so messy and sticky.  I've just started giving her the veggie sticks and she likes those pretty good as well.  She basically LOVES food.  I have introduced some meats into her meals and she is kinds particular when it comes to those.  Parker also LOVES her books!  Her favorites are Brown Bear Brown Bear, 10 Little Ladybugs, and Jam Berry.  She  is getting such a little personality, she doesn't like it when you get out of her sight, she is just a joy to be around and I thank the Lord that he blessed me with such an amazing little girl.

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