Sunday, October 23, 2011

What a wonderful weekend!

Well this past weekend Justin, Parker and I went over to the Hawkins house to watch the LSU game and we also ended up picking pecans.  Parker had a great time and I was able to take a lot of great pictures!!

I just love this picture!!!

picking pecans

all the girls picking pecans! Parker was a great helper

Parker and Ellie getting ready for bed

Justin and Chris trying to get Ellie and Parker to sit still

Getting ready for church

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Happy 13 Months

Okay, I know I'm a little late posting this and I could make up a ton of excuses but I was just being lazy.  Anyways, Parker Ann turned 13 months on September 28th.  I thought that after she turned 1 things would seem to slow down a little but its still going just as fast as it ever was. 

Parker is eating and trying new things daily, and let me just say that she has quite the strong personality.  She will let you know what she want and what she doesn't want. She now has a total of 5 teeth, she got her top 2 within the last 2 weeks. We also celebrated Justin's 28th birthday. 

look at all the hair